Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What I'm Reading Now: January Edition

It's been a couple of months, but it's back! Here's a quick recap of the things I'm reading right now.

On my Nook: The Adventures of Gerard by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - One of my reading resolutions is to read at least 1 eBook I own each month. To keep myself going and make myself read the ones I might not get to otherwise, I decided to just go through alphabetically and here I am. I've read most of the Sherlock Holmes stories, but have never read anything else by Doyle. These are fun little vignettes of a French Colonel retelling stories of his life. Entertaining and light.
On audio in my car: Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige - This was our book club read for the month. I'm feeling very conflicted over this book. I'll be writing it up more fully once I've finished it.

In print Non-Fiction: Why Buffy Matters: The Art of Buffy the Vampire by Rhonda V. Wilcox - I stumbled across this at the library where I work and immediately checked it out. They're essays based on previous presentations and talks Wilcox gave and I'm finding them pretty interesting.

In print Non-Fiction: A Life and Its Mirrors: A Feminist Reading of L.M. Montgomery's Fiction by Gabriella Ahmansson - I'm working on a proposal for the 2016 Montgomery conference and so I'm catching up on some of the criticism I missed while working on my thesis. This has been good so far, but references a second part that is more focused on the works I'm interested in so I'll be looking for that later.

In print Fiction: The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm - I'm actually just about to start this one. I love Babymouse and Squish and I've heard great things about this book so I'm super excited to get into it!

On TV: Broadchurch - I watched Gracepoint and wasn't as impressed as I wanted to be. So when the British counterpart became available on Netflix I jumped right in. After about 5 minutes I was already more engaged than I was after the entire series of Gracepoint. Looking forward to watching the rest. Plus, more David Tennant!

So what are you reading now? Anything really good that I should add to my ever-expanding TBR list?

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