Tonight we learn more about Emma's past and just how intertwined her life has been with Lily. Lily has been getting all kinds of information about the fairy tale world from the Sorcerer's Apprentice. Rumple and Will team up to get Belle's heart back, and Regina finally makes it to New York to try to rescue Robin from Zelena's twisted clutches.

Emma did discover that, despite how angry she is with her parents, she still wants them to be part of her life and that she's willing to take some pretty extreme measures to protect them.
And I just want to say that Emma and Hook saying good-bye was way up there on the adorable meter.

I've been very up and down on the whole Belle/Rumple relationship, but she and Will are moving awfully fast and technically she's still married to Rumple. The writers just haven't given us any reason to accept Will and Belle as a couple, other than convenience (he was there and not connected with anybody and they needed someone to make Rumple jealous). I need more than that. I mean, I could potentially eventually understand it, but we need WAY WAY more about Will and what Belle sees in him before I'm buying them as an actual couple.
When Regina went to Belle and asked for her help to stop Rumple I kind of had the impression that Belle allowed her heart to be taken in order to help. I guess Regina never actually asked though, and just took it and didn't return it.
That story line felt very odd to me with Rumple and Will working together and the heart and everything. I don't know. It just felt more like the writers trying to convince Rumbelle shippers that the ship has sunk than an actual plot point moving the narrative forward.

And Maleficent needs to stop wearing that color lipstick for reals.

It is a perfect move to get him locked into his "code of honor" but honestly Robin. Sometimes I just want to shake him.
A lot of stuff set up for a rousing last couple of episodes for this season, though. That's for sure!
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