Friday, March 23, 2012

Celebrating Michelle Zink's latest release

March 20th was a monumental day for a dear friend of the blog's, Michelle Zink.  Her 4th novel, A Temptation of Angels was released!  While Michelle has already had 3 novels released they were part of her Prophecy of the the Sisters trilogy.  As of right now A Temptation of Angels is a stand alone novel, and while I have yet to read it (lack of funds have prohibited me from purchasing the novel) I am sure her writing style has not changed.  Michelle has a way of captivating the reader in such a way that her books are impossible to put down.

Just so you know what exactly you are getting yourself into I am linking the synopsis from Barnes and Noble's website here.

I would love for Michelle to have a great release for this book and her publisher (Penguin) will be looking VERY closely to the sales of this book over the next couple of weeks.  So if the synopsis peaks your interest, pick up the book!

And just so you get a feel of the kind of person Michelle is I will inform you that she is even having a great contest for all her fans to enter by doing easy things like changing your profile picture on twitter and/or facebook to her book cover.  Tweeting/facebooking a link to her book from amazon or barnes & noble.  If you want details on this click here.  Grand prize an IPAD 2 (among other things).

So please support a local author who really is all about her fans.  I have been honored to meet her and become her friend. Thanks!  (And for those of you who were actually looking for my post on my family's trip to see Pulitzer Prize winning author Robert Massie, that will be next month's blog)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

This just in Michelle is also hosting a contest if and only if you buy her book from a store and email her a photo of the receipt (from March 20-April 3) you will be entered to win a $250 gift card!! Check her website blog located at for details