Friday, July 5, 2013

The Rest of Us by Jessica Lott

35 year old Manhattanite Terry is complacent.  She still lives in her college apartment and has abandoned her dream of being artistic photographer and settled for being an assistant in a photographer's studio.  However, when she reads the obituary of her former lover, Rudolf Rhinehart, in The New York Times, she is shaken out of her complacency and re-examines life.  She is given a second chance at love when she runs into Rhinehart at Bloomingdale's.  The obituary was a misprint.  Thus an initially awkward but soon happy reunion ensues.  Their second chance at love encourages her to pursue her career goals again and leads her down a path she never expected.

At first glance, "The Rest of Us," may seem like a simple story of second chances.  Yes, the novel certainly shows that it's never to late to reach out for that lost love or dig up that long buried dream.  However, it's also a thoughtful story that examines the intricacies and dynamics of relationships from romantic to familial and traditional friendships.  Lott also didn't shy away from examining some of the pitfalls and struggles that come with delaying your dreams or holding on to those dreams and people that you've outgrown.  This isn't a sappy look at relationships and romance but a somewhat melancholy and realistic view of contemporary relationships which I really appreciated.  I also enjoyed the polarity between Terry and her best friend and the intriguing drama surrounding Rhinehart's heritage. The ending is a bit abrupt but it just adds to the contemplative mood of the book as you will be thinking of its characters long after you've turned the last page.

"The Rest of Us," was an extremely well-written novel.  Definitely, check it out, you won't be disappointed.  If you've already read it, please comment below or stop back to comment once you've read it.

Please note that I received no financial compensation for this review.  I would like to thank Simon & Schuster for providing a review copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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