Now normally I would be all over a David-centric episode. I love David Charming! I like that he's struggling with feeling useless and helpless. But the story line was not particularly inspiring. He goes on a quest. He fails. He is tricked by Arthur. He gets to sit at the Round Table. Whoop.
Also, as he was fighting the knights on the bridge, this is all I could think about:

But YAY! Lancelot. I forgot about him and I liked him.
Let's see - oh, I would totally pay to see an all female tournament on this show. That would be awesomesauce.
I really do love that Belle has had more screen time. Here's hoping she continues to play a bigger role.
Dark Emma is not doing it for me. I was excited to see her get to play the sinister side, but it's not coming across sinister so much as, um, how to say this tactfully - bad acting. I don't know. It's just not working. It's too dead and almost old Emma, but not, but not really evil feeling. Just blah.
However, I am very excited to see Gold back in two different roles. Excited to see how, and if he can be, crafted into a hero. That seems like an awfully risky, long, and complicated plan. But most villains choose plans that are like that, so I guess Emma has learned one of the great villain trademarks.
And why no Henry? *sigh*
So. It was an episode. Next week I'll be on vacation, so the post may go up late, just an FYI. Ciao!
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