Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Heaven Should Fall

Today, we are one of the stops on the "Heaven Should Fall" blog tour,  hosted by BookTrib.  They have provided the following synopsis for Rebecca Coleman's latest novel.

Alone since her mother’s death, Jill Wagner wants to eat, sleep and breathe Cade Olmstead when he bursts upon her life—golden, handsome and ambitious. Even putting college on hold feels like a minor sacrifice when she discovers she’s pregnant with Cade’s baby. But it won’t be the last sacrifice she’ll have to make.

Retreating to the Olmsteads’ New England farm seems sensible, if not ideal: Jill and Cade will regroup and welcome the baby, surrounded by Cade’s family. But the remote, ramshackle place already feels crowded. Cade’s mother tends to his ailing father, while Cade’s pious sister, her bigoted husband and their rowdy sons overrun the house. Only Cade’s brother, Elias, a combat veteran with a damaged spirit, gives Jill an ally amidst the chaos, along with a glimpse into his disturbing childhood. But his burden is heavy, and she alone cannot kindle his will to live.

The tragedy of Elias is like a killing frost, withering Cade in particular, transforming his idealism into bitterness and paranoia. Taking solace in caring for her newborn son, Jill looks up to find her golden boy is gone. In Cade’s place is a desperate man willing to endanger them all in the name of vengeance…unless Jill can find a way out.

This is a thought provoking novel with a lot, perhaps too much, too say.  This novel is told through alternating voices of Jill and the dysfunctional Olmstead family.  Elias' PTSD isn't the only issue the family struggles with.  Cade's father emotionally abused his mother and brother for years.  Cade's sister entered into a sexual relationship with a much older man when she was just 16 and may have had something to do with a rival's death.  Meanwhile Cade struggles to own up to his new found responsibilites and is unable to cope after Elias' suicideWhile the focus of this book is Elias' PTSD and the aftermath of his actions, I think every character in this novel could've benefited from mental health counseling.  The climax of the novel is intense but unfortunately the ending leaves the reader with a lot of unanswered questions.  Despite this, "Heaven Should Fall," is an intriguing novel worth checking out.

We have also been provided with a small excerpt from Cade and Jill's happier days. 

“Yeah, but it’s almost gone.”

I reached into the neatly arranged “auto office” box at my
feet and retrieved the Altoids tin from a side pocket.

“Cade, you’re a mint addict.”

“Usually you’re not complaining.”

“The first step is admitting you have a problem.”

For more excerpts, please visit the rest of the stops on the blog tour.  "Heaven Should Fall," by Rebecca Coleman is available now at bookstores everywhere.

Note: I received no financial compensation for this review.

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