Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Laydown Lowdown

It's 80 degrees and humid out as I write today's post and I couldn't be happier.  I've been waiting for weather like this since Labor Day!!!

However, if you don't love the heat like I do then perhaps you'd like to check out today's latest thrillers; you might catch a spine-tingling chill!  There are many titles to choose from such as "Sacred Games," by Gary Corby, "The Last Girl," by Jane  Casey, "Requiem Mass," by Elizabeth Corley, "Smarty Bones," by Carolyn Haines, and "The Redeemer," by Jo Nesbo.

But, if you crave heat, you may want to steam things up and check out the Romance section for "Pleasure Control," and "Pleasure Prolonged," by Catherine Fox or "How to Pursue a Princess," by Karen Hawkins. 

If this weather makes you think of Prom season then you may want to check out the new Young Adult releases like "All I Need," by Susane Colasanti, "September Girls," by Bennett Madison, or "Time Raiders: The Eternal War," by Alex Scarrow.

Finally, if you want to escape this atmosphere all together, you may want to get lost in a new Science Fiction/Fantasy title such as "Tarnished," by Rhiannon Held,"The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black," by E.B. Hudspeth or "The Red Plague Affair," by Lillith St. Crow.

What books will make your "to-read" list?  What are you currently reading?  Share with us and remember to support your local bookstores whenever possible.  Happy Reading!!

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