There are so many threads going on in this season that none of them are being handled particularly well. I like the idea of many of these story lines - I really do. But tonight's episode was so scattered with so many different storylines being followed that I was just really annoyed. Last week was scattered too, but at least something HAPPENED. There was action, intrigue, snappy one-liners. All things I found sadly lacking tonight :(

I did love how horribly Killian overshot when Emma asked him out. And I don't know if I buy the fact that there was nothing wrong with the hand. After all, as Rumple said, the Dark One lies. Who says he isn't still lying now? And another thing. The moments Killian "flips out" with his hand are still guided by a moral code. The first was in protecting Emma and the second was in trying to stop the knave from breaking in. Not just random acts of violence for no reason.
I did enjoy the little Lady and the Tramp moment at the restaurant.

As well as Emma's snarky, "What should I call you? Captain Hand?"
Honestly the highlight of the episode for me was David and Snow - especially David - reacting to Emma's date. That was hilarious and adorable.

I also swear that if they use the word "monster" one more time I'm going to have to start a drinking game. And I don't drink.
Hehe. Henry going undercover at Gold's shop - this should be interesting. And I appreciated the music. But someone seriously needs to teach Henry how to sweep.
So not too many thoughts. I'm hoping the next episode has some more meat to it. And maybe gets some better focus.
What did you think? Did you like it? I'd love to hear your reaction!
Loved David and Snow's parental action with Emma...and the Polaroid camera! To me it was a reminder that we're still in a town where no one really can leave so while some things may remain modern...others don't.
I didn't really watch a lot of OUAT: Wonderland, so I'm not sure if that's how the Knave acted in that show...but I feel like he doesn't have much of a point on the show...which is too bad because I was looking forward to him on OUAT. But maybe because so much is going on there's no room to give him more to do or for those fans of the show who didn't carry over to Wonderland to learn more about him.
I yelled "Where's Ruby???" at the TV when they showed Granny's. I miss seeing Meghan Ory on TV.
Loved that Henry was supportive of both his mothers in this episode, wanting Emma to be happy so she asked Killian on a date and helping out Regina with Operation Mongoose by going to work for Gold. I'm a bit worried about Henry just because Gold may figure out what he's up to and that could be a dangerous thing.
And I'm just not into Anna's storyline at all. I am so sorry!! (Frowny face!) Maybe it's because I haven't actually seen Frozen, but I just find myself tuning out when she's on the screen. I feel bad. I'm sure there's a point to everything she's doing. I just haven't found it yet. I have enjoyed Elsa though...love how she's bonding with the entire Charming family.
@Jenn H: YES! Where is Ruby?!?!
I like the casting of Anna (having seen the movie) but that whole storyline is feeling less and less relevant to anything going on in Storeybrooke. I hope they connect it in some way more concretely soon.
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